Monday, October 8, 2012


This morning at 4am, Caliah was crying.
I don't know how she woke me, or if I awoke on my own...but it was scary as heck!

I was asleep, and all of a sudden, I open my eyes, and in my face is Caliah. Staring at me, and crying. But when I first saw her face, I screamed like a bitch! I wasn't expecting a face to be RIGHT there!

Once I regained myself, I realized she was crying.
She never cries due to pain, or illness. So, I was immediately concerned.
She told me she was having double ear ache, and she was in a lot of pain.
I gave her tylenol, and prompted her on her bean bags. Turned her tv on, and waited for the medication to kick in. We went back to sleep at around 7am, and awoke at 9am.

She didn't want to go to school, and this girl NEVER wants to miss school.
She truly adores her teacher, and she loves going to class. She likes her classmates, and she really enjoys being at school. So for her to want to stay home, meant she was in a lot of pain. I felt so bad for her. Thankfully she didn't have a fever.

Avelina has been coughing, and she too, was up crying at 5am.
Her throat was hurting.

So, I don't know if something is going around, or what, but both girls were up early crying in pain :(
They've been resting all day.

I hope they start feeling better.
I think Cali will be in school tomorrow, but lets hope tonight goes smoothly for both of them.

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