Monday, February 22, 2010

An easy decision...

I have decided to not freak out if my house gets messy.
I have tried to keep it clean, but with two young daughters, that cleanliness only lasts for about half a second. If that...I vacuum, I pick up toys, I put laundry away, I wash clothes. And the second my hand moves on to the next task, Avi has spilled bread crumbs on my carpet, and Caliah has changed her clothes, for the 5th time today. So...I'm done freaking out.
Surely I am not the neatest person out there, but I have OCD type symptoms. I cannot stand having a crooked rug. I cannot stand having my dishes being on the drying rack without them being from smallest to biggest, in even spaces. I cannot stand if my forks face up while drying. Things like that freak me out. But I am going to let it go. Hugo won't get into a car crash if my fork isn't facing down.
I have children, they move things around. I have a husband. He takes off his socks and leaves them in the middle of the living room. That won't bother me anymore. So be it. My daughters will one day move out, and when that days arrives...I will begin my freakness...I will not have clutter. I will have a straight rug. I won't have socks on my floor. I will have toilet paper in the toilet roll. My blinds won't be bent or broken. My patio door won't have holes in it. My walls will be the color I intended it to be. My fridge won't have Barbie dolls in there. My freezer won't have coins in it. My vacuum will only vacuum dust, not buttons, and pins and barrets.
I will take a deep breath, and enjoy their childhood.
But I have an "allow to freak out for 5 minutes" card in case I get overwhelmed. I don't intend to use it, but it's there and it is my safe haven.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

LOL! My whole philosophy on housekeeping is summed up by a great quote I read somewhere: "my home is clean enough to be healthy and dirty enough to be happy." Who has time to clean enough to have a picture perfect home, anyway? Someone who doesn't spend enough time with her kids, I think. ;)