Today at midnight, when my on-calls change shift, one of my city workers called in. He was telling he was going off the radio, and onto his cell. Not for real, figuratively speaking! Ya know, technical talk. Well, when I answered, I was all hyper and quirky. As always, and true to my nature.
On weekends, I have usually this one guy, or the other. They're both very friendly, and funny.
I never talk to the weeknight dudes, and these two never talk to Renee, the girl who I work for on her nights off.
Anyway. I guess I caught tonight's city work's off guard, because my quirkiness really seemed to make him giggle. I was all "R, don't you be laughing at me. You're laughing at my hyperness?" He was all "No, it's late. And you're just so awake. It's just odd"
Ahhhhh. Yes.
It was midnight, and I was hyper. I am a night owl. That's me. I thrive best at night. Like a vampire! He found it amusing. Tis is why I have this job!
It was just a silly short convo, and he swore he wasn't laughing at me. Just found it amusing.
It was the most we've ever spoken. A 15 second call, and he made my entire night!
Sometimes friendliness comes a long way.
And here it is now, 4:30am. It's been hectic. I'm alone. And my True Blood episodes are keeping me awake. I guess I can walk around the office for a min, to make my droopy eyes stay open. Or I can go sit on the balcony, but I don't like the smell of weed/skunk that comes from the night goers, nor do I enjoy that stupid dog barking at me, from his yard.
I do love star gazing, and listening to the sea lions, when this stupid dog isn't being obnoxious.
The weather is finally a bit chilly, so I am wearing a sweater.
But, even night owls get sleepy, sometimes.
However, no matter how sleepy, I can't help my quirkiness at all hours of the night! I am a pleasure to speak with. Maybe someday you'll need the answering service, and I'll greet you, and hopefully will make you giggle. Of course, if you're not in pain! Or your sink isn't leaking water all over your kitchen, or you need a barricade for a fallen tree! Eeck! The emergencies I have to deal with sometimes, aren't giggle material, but you may never know!
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